Wow, it's been almost 21 months since the little guy was born. I'm finally feeling like we are settling into a nice little life. He won't really remember this, but since July 7th of 2009, we've lived in 3 states and 4 places. So little JT I wonder what you will remember.

I hope you remember...

-all the cool parks we've visited, and that I would push you in the swing and say "weeee."
-all the great food we've let you try although your favorite so far being blueberries, black beans, and cottage cheese.
-visiting Michigan and meeting your Great-Grandmother aka Nanny and how she made you laugh.
-digging in the dirt and all the little nature walks we take.
-Doing the "Hokey Pokey" together in the kitchen.
-all of the books that Daddy reads to you in the evening.
-that we show up for you everyday and do our best to allow you to explore the world and learn that life is a very beautiful thing.

In these 20 months, my life has changed so much. It's amazing how one little person can impact your life in such a wonderful way. Thanks for teaching me something everyday little guy! I'll be here for you everyday with a new little piece of life to show you too.

3/30/2011 06:20:25 am

I love this. This is what it's all about.

4/6/2011 03:52:54 am

Thanks Carole! This little guy sure does make life pretty amazing. :)

5/9/2011 12:02:39 am

I can't believe the stats of places you've lived in that amount of time! Crazy!

9/24/2012 08:50:33 pm

THX for info


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